02/12/2019 – Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus together. Mercury is also in Virgo. All the inner planets symbolizing elements of our personal construction are together. Our personal polarities – Sun and Moon, Venus and Mars, feminine and masculine, water and fire, father and mother, inner and outer, darkness and light, conscious and unconscious- they all come together and it sounds like we should be expecting pure magic. The magic is happening, but in order to see it we need to look down at our feet because Virgo is Earth element. We are getting the clarity (Mercury in Virgo) about what needs to happen in order our dreams come truth (Venus). Mars is there as well, so many of us might be already pursuing them. Following the direction of our hearts (Venus), we are creating a plan (Virgo), dividing a way to heaven into steps (or stairs, using Led Zeppelin’s metaphor).
The Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars trine Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn. That brings an urge to freedom and expressing our own individuality. Freedom from what other people will think, from cultural correctness. We ask our self, what really does present value for me?- Taurus. It is a good time to dream and act upon our own, unique system of values. Some of us might think that our deepest dreams are not bringing any value for others or that they are not contributing enough to the well-being of all. Maybe we have labeled some of them as “not useful” or “unrealistic” and discarded. We’ve buried them deep in the bottom of our hearts and in the back of our heads, so maybe later in life, when we will fulfill our obligations to society (Saturn in Capricorn) we will have time to pursue those dreams and visions. But I think that the lesson here is, that if we follow this voice from the depth of our hearts, maybe even against the rational mind, it will open possibilities that we even haven’t dreamed of because we are stepping on our evolutionary path. Our whole life will reorganize itself in order for this to happen. This is how I understand this Uranus trine Virgo- a method in the madness. Organized chaos. Cosmic, third eye vision being written down as a business plan. We obtain the ability to see the application of the craziest ideas. We begin to see that this can actually happen. Actually, it might work – we think… and it will. Only if we dare to step on this path.
Set your heart free and walk.
The truth of your intention of being aligned with yourself will unleash the power to change the uphill road into the downhill. The wind that was blowing in your face, will fill your sails and you will flow into the beauty of walking your own path.
May we all dare to walk in beauty.