Getting out of the Retrograde

Getting out of the Retrograde

Getting out of the Retrograde 1280 853 The Cosmos Within Us

After almost 5 months of retrograding, Saturn turned direct yesterday. Mercury will go direct in 6 days. We might feel that things are getting unstuck.

Saturn retrograde is a time of dealing with boundaries. Learning how to deal with the pressure and demands from the outside world and other people. Learning to honor yourself. Become more aware of your own boundaries.

Saturn represents our fears and fear is often something that limits us. Time of retrograde offers an opportunity to see our fears as fears.

Saturn (especially in Aquarius) represents mental structures. Reprorotize things in your life, reorganize your values and your mindset, so you don’t have to be afraid anymore.

Saturn always brings tests and checkups. Are we authentic in the way we live? Authenticity has its own risks and rewards. Maybe we need some recalibration of the system of choosing and making decisions?

For me, this period of Saturn retro in Aquarius told us: realign yourself with your own truth and who you really are. Don’t be afraid, that somebody will not like it. Being fake out of fear of losing something is not the way. It is better to have less but be authentic.

Does it resonate with how you feel and your meditations?

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Photo by Garon Piceli on Pexels