Happy Libra New Moon

Happy Libra New Moon

Happy Libra New Moon 800 534 The Cosmos Within Us

Tomorrow we are having a New Moon in Libra. This time Mars will be there as a part of the mix, so we will have Sun, Moon, and Mars conjunction in Libra.

Libra is a sign of „significant other” or meeting another person as equal. In ancient Greece, a constellation of Libra was called „Dzygos”, which means the yoke (or shackle). The yoke was a wooden part that was keeping two Oxes next to each other. It was something that was making two (Oxes) work as one. The Oxes were trained from birth to walk on the left or right side, but the yoke (Zygos) was what was keeping them together. It tells us something about Libra’s power to bond, connect to other people.

Libra knows how to blend into people’s energy, but not necessarily through intimacy (like Scorpio) but more through understanding, dialog, good manners, and a balanced approach, which makes Libra trustworthy.

Mars tells us how we act, how we focus/channel our energy into action, but also represents our vital forces, sexual energy, and anger.

This New Moon is about finding a way to cooperate, especially where cooperation wasn’t easy so far. It is about channeling the energy into working together, burying the ax, and focusing on building mutual understanding and respect. Being more considerate of other people’s situations. Finding the balance between „me” and „others”. Getting over personal situations that were obstacles to accomplishing the goals. Together we can do things impossible to accomplish alone.

There is an old proverb which goes: if you want to go fast, travel alone. If you want to go far, travel with others.

Happy Libra New Moon!

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