Full Moon

Full Moon

Full Moon 1536 1152 The Cosmos Within Us

A Full Moon is a situation when Sun and Moon stand exactly opposite to each other in opposite signs.

Sun is now in Libra, that is why Moon is in the opposite sign of Aries. These are both cardinal signs. Cardinal aspects always refer to the fundamental, nitty-gritty parts of our life. Sun and Moon represent the archetypal duality of our reality.

The Full Moon is a time of revelation and illumination. This is when we see things in full light. Opposition always brings awareness (and Full Moon is a type of opposition). This is the function of that aspect. So the time, we are in now is particularly good for meditation on some core issues we are dealing with.

Aries stands for „me”. Libra stands for „significant other”. It is something on that very essential axis of our life: me and others. What do I want and what do others expect from me? How can I fulfill my needs amidst the pressure of the outside world?

Libra is famous for indecisiveness, which comes from being sometimes too considerate of others. Aries, in the opposite: clear direction and assertiveness. Each one of us has a Libra part and Aries part of our personality. Libra might have a problem with hearing its own voice. Aries might have a problem with hearing others.

Opposition (like Full Moon) is always asking us to find the balance. For example: If you are a type who tries to make everyone happy, that time offers you an opportunity to get in touch with yourself and your own needs. If in everyday life you are more assertive and self-focused, now you can see and understand other people’s situations and be more considerate of that.

Enjoy the climax of that lunar cycle. From now on, the Moon will start to diminish and we are entering the 3rd quarter phase when we start to integrate everything we have learned during the first part of the cycle and what we understood during this Full Moon.

You can read more about Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Pisces, and Full Moon in Aquarius in our blog.
You are also welcome to join our FB group The Cosmos Within Us to deepen your studies.

Picture: Full Moon seen from the deck of our house upstate New York