Today Moon in Cancer will be opposing Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, bringing Cancer – Capricorn axis themes again, which were explained so many times, but also is never enough to study this cardinal axis that lies at the very bottom of archetypal principles that influence our lives.
Uranus in Taurus is now officially retrograding and will remain in backward motion until January 2021. Uranus is our vision of the future and the urge to freedom. Taurus energy is connected with physical resources, especially money. Also, the system of values. Uranus retrograding in Taurus might mean “re-evaluating” our plans for future investments. Where do we want to put our money, invest our resources? Is what I’m doing is bringing me freedom? Some themes from the past might come up (especially when it comes to dealing with resources).
Uranus is at the 10th degree of Taurus. Which house is the 10th degree of Taurus in your chart? Uranus will be moving back to the 6th degree of Taurus. Do you have any planets around the area from the 6th to 10th degree of Taurus? This is where you might feel it.