New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo 1536 1302 The Cosmos Within Us

Today at 7 am (EST) we are having a New Moon in Virgo. New Moon has the energy of the seed – everything we plant around that time will grow and flourish.

Also, today the Sun and the Moon are making a tight trine to Saturn (see the picture below). This is a powerful earth element presence. Virgo gives organization and focus, Saturn solidifies it, grounds it even deeper bringing structure, perseverance, and long-term perspectives for everything that we initiate now.

Mercury – the ruler of Virgo and the ruler of this chart, creates a very tight square to Jupiter. Jupiter connects us with the big vision, allows us to see the big picture. Mercury brings attention to the details and all the steps in between the vision and its realization. The Square between these two tells us: pay attention to the details. Very often the smallest part disables whole, huge machines from working. That is the warning here.

Another significant aspect part of it is retrograding Mars squaring Saturn (also retrograding). Tony Howard put brilliant post a few days ago quoting Bruce Lee: “Wait in the calm strength of patience – guard your strength with tenderness. One need not fear the least strong will should not prevail; the main thing is not to expend one’s powers prematurely in an attempt to obtain by force something for which the time is not yet ripe.”
That is a pretty powerful message from someone who had Mars in Scorpio opposing Saturn. Every word of this quote is a keyword, describing Mars-Saturn connections: strength, patience, guard, fear, strong will, not prematurely, obtain by force, time, ripe.

The position and condition of Mars is telling us how are going to reach for what we want.

New Moon’s chart is the seed that we plant for the whole lunar cycle (almost a month). Putting it all together I see a powerful message: re-think how you manage your energy and where are you putting it. Be careful how to walk towards your goals, don’t miss the details, don’t run blindly towards the finish line.

Retrograding Mars squaring Saturn is a marathon runner which knows that if he will start a race with a sprint, he will not have any energy towards the end of the run.

Happy New Moon!


Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash