

Scorpio 1200 800 The Cosmos Within Us

Common astrological knowledge will tell you that Scorpio is related to “death, sex and transformation”. It sounds almost like “sex, drugs and rock’n’roll”. Transformation – yes, this is a Scorpio key word for sure,  but death and sex for me are aspects of transformation. They stem from transformation, they aren’t apart from it. The term “transformation” has a greater capacity and death and sex fall into this category; transformation through death and rebirth. Interestingly enough the word ‘orgasm’ in French means literally, ‘a little death’. 

How do I understand transformation in relation to Scorpio? C.G. Jung wrote that when two objects truly meet each other, they will never be the same. For me this is the Scorpio principle in a nutshell. Two people meet each other, and this meeting changes them. They transform each other. In order for the transformation to occur there must be some exchange between them, and for this there must be close contact. 

Here we come up with another Scorpio keyword – ‘intimacy’. This doesn’t have to be physical intimacy, but of course it can be. Scorpio is interested in meaningful relationships, true and deep contact. People magnetized with this energy need intimacy and closeness to realize the purpose of their sun sign, their core energy, there’s kind of no escape from that. The thing is that being close with someone opens up a whole new dimension of relationship where we are vulnerable (another Scorpio keyword) and where we have to trust – bang! – another Scorpio issue (you Scorpio people know what I’m talking about, do you?). According to Evolutionary Astrology, the sign of Scorpio is carrying a trauma of being betrayed – like a soldier behind enemy lines (what a Scorpio situation) who was promised to be rescued after accomplishing the mission but the rescue never came. He was left there alone, in hostile territory, trying to survive. 

So there is an energy of attraction and repulsion. “I need closeness and intimacy,” says Scorpio, “but I’m afraid that you will hurt me or abandon me.”  Scorpios are magnetic, they can attract people, but the fear or being hurt can also push others away. When Scorpios decide to let you in, or if you manage to penetrate its armor, you will find yourself on thin ice – the sting is hanging over your head, waiting for any sign of betrayal. That’s why loyalty is important for Scorpios. Those who get inside but don’t behave can expect revenge. Let’s not forget that Scorpio is a night house of Mars. Sometimes there is no armor, there is a Scorpio type who is open from the start. You probably know that type of person. During the first meeting they are very open about pretty intimate things and they expose themselves. Sometimes  such a contact can be emotionally overwhelming. This can be Scorpio energy as well. Emotional intensity is a Scorpio signature.

Speaking of intensity, the ruler of Scorpio is Pluto. It’s like a nuclear plant in your chart, a source of great power, but also potentially very destructive energy. Scorpio is about power. The eighth house is a house of our hidden/secret talents and powers. Stephen Arroyo wrote that Pluto is pointing out our old karmic patterns that we need to change within this lifetime. Scorpio dives deep into the shadow of human nature and face willingness to dominate others, rule others, manipulate, deal with violence, aggression, abuse, forced actions – bringing it all out into the light so it can be seen, understood and transformed. Sun in Scorpio is a light in the dark. Transformation as an alchemical process involves intense processing. Wherever Pluto goes, things are getting intense. A Pluto transit can turn our lives upside down. We are boiling inside a cocoon. There is an energy of inevitability and no negotiation can be made. In a way Pluto says: “change or die”. This planet can bring obsessiveness and compulsiveness, that’s why Scorpio is trying to get to the bottom of things, to the core of the issue, and sometimes doesn’t know when to stop digging. It can be overwhelming for the partner or someone close, because there is a constant attempt to figure out something about themselves or about partner or about relationship. 

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. If water doesn’t flow, it can harbour bacteria and other organisms. Scorpios tend to keep their emotions (waters) inside which can become unhealthy. This combined with huge intensity can result in insanity and a tendency towards self-destruction (Pluto). Btw, Scorpion is the only animal in nature which is capable of committing suicide – yes, it can purposely sting itself. 

Scorpios are difficult to lie to or manipulate because they inquire into the human psyche. Their awareness and attention is ‘under the table’, seeing what is happening under the surface of superficiality, figuring out someone’s real agenda. That can make them suspicious or paranoid but they can also become great therapists. The idea of psychotherapy is 100% a Scorpio principle – studying your own psyche, integrating the shadow, bringing difficult, rejected stuff from unconsciousness to consciousness. The idea of unconscious energy (complexes) that drive our behavior is very scorpionic. It is up to the person whether they use this knowledge and insight to help others or for achieving their own goals, through indirect actions, creating unclear situations where things are played out under the cloudy water. 

The polarity point of Scorpio is Taurus. What do these two have in common? Resources. Taurus is interested in what belongs to him. “That is mine,” says Taurus. Scorpio is interested in other people’s stuff, other people’s money and resources (power), other people’s lives. The Scorpio-Taurus nodal axis (North Node in Scorpio) speaks to the necessity of finding resources within oneself (Scorpio), not in the external material world (Taurus). People with this Scorpio-Taurus nodal axis can swing between wanting to settle down and stop searching, to live the steady, simple life versus being constantly thrown into the boiling pot of intense transformative processes and situations. 

Jung wrote that in the shadow there is always a hidden gift or skill. When we go into our own depth, we can find some difficult truth about ourselves, some trauma from the past, something we have repressed or rejected, some part that we do not want to look at. If we decide to bring it into the light, to come out and tell somebody about it, maybe write about it, admit that this is part of us – then something magical can happen. We are embracing the lost part of ourselves thus we become more whole and more integrated (and also more powerful). There are always people with similar experiences and they will benefit from witnessing that process. Maybe we will become an expert and help others to go through such experiences. Maybe write a book that will give hope to thousands of people. What used to be a problem for years is now becoming our strength – the transformation of lead into gold. An alchemy of life.